Phillips Lytle LLP
Personal Injury - Products Liability/Health Effects

The defense of products liability, mass tort and chemical exposure/toxic tort cases is a core strength of Phillips Lytle's Litigation Practice. From defending class actions and multidistrict consolidated proceedings to defending individual cases, our experience in litigating these matters is broad and deep. And we've served as national, regional and local defense counsel in major products liability, mass tort and chemical exposure/toxic tort litigation over the past four decades.

What sets Phillips Lytle apart is our leadership – whether it’s frequently taking the lead role in defense of multiple-defendant products liability and toxic tort litigation, or working on groundbreaking issues. Our national role in the products liability arena extends beyond the litigation of specific cases. In fact, one of our litigators is a contributing attorney to the Members Consultative Group for the Products Liability Restatement in the Restatement (3d) of Torts by the American Law Institute.

Phillips Lytle LLP
3400 HSBC Center
Buffalo NY 14203-2887
Tel: 716 847-8400
Fax: 716 852-6100

New York State Law Firm

Phillips Lytle LLP, full-service New York State law firm. Practice areas include Banking, Business, Environmental, Labor, Personal Injury and Real Estate.
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