Hiscock & Barclay LLP
Real Estate
Hiscock & Barclay maintains an active and established real estate practice. Attorneys in our Real Estate Practice Area handle a variety of real property matters for clients ranging from large regional corporations and banking institutions to local homebuyers. The practice’s attorneys manage their practice through a wide-area computer network enhancing communication and efficiency. The advanced technology streamlines the flow of documentation and allows for the immediate response to client needs.
The Real Estate Practice Area has developed the expertise necessary for representation of lenders and borrowers in today’s complex commercial real estate transactions, including loan syndication, participation and real estate investment trusts. Our reputation in the commercial real estate arena, acquired through representation of commercial lenders, condominium and homeowners associations, developers and purchasers and sellers, is a significant source of pride for the Firm. Through its long-standing relationship with commercial lenders, the practice has also earned prominence in the field of mortgage foreclosures and asset recovery.
The Real Estate Practice Area is well respected for the drafting and negotiation of the often-complex documentation accompanying the acquisition, financing, development, and sale and leasing of real property interests. Furthermore, our experience and proficiency in title examination and title insurance claims matters has gained us recognition in prosecuting and defending title disputes.
We are also active in local governmental land use and zoning matters in connection with the Firm’s governmental service practice, and further supports the Firm’s financial services, business services and trusts and estates departments allowing Hiscock & Barclay to provide a wide spectrum of services for Firm clients.
Hiscock & Barclay LLP
M&T Center #1100
3 Fountain Plaza
Buffalo NY 14203-1414
Tel: 716 566-1300
Fax: 716 566-1301
Hiscock & Barclay is more than a law firm. We're a dynamic team of 160 attorneys in five strategic offices throughout New York State. We have a unique understanding of issues that drive business solutions. For clients that come to New York seeking legal, business or political counsel, we deliver results that exceed expectations.
